Our website is live with our first review, Muse – The Enhanced Experience.
Well everyone, we’ve done it. We have our website running, we have photos and commentary, albeit about a single show. However, we are digging in and have tickets for two more already.
If you are interested we will be at Bob Seger and Imagine Dragons in the next couple of weeks. I’ll try and hit a few smaller local shows as time permits. Please, send me feedback if you have a show you’d like reviewed / photographed or if you just want to express your opinion! We want to hear from you…
Martin Cavell says:
Ok, what camera did you use for those Muse photos? What do you mean by working within the Venues camera restrictions for a concert?
concer30bg says:
Hi Martin! Teddy tells us the daytime photos (the ones at the Muse Experience and of the opening bands) were shot with an iPhone 5se. The Muse photos required a bit more tolerance of low light and were shot with a tiny Canon point and shoot travel camera. From what he says the canon gives a bit more control in low light / concert lighting. He adds that the only post processing done on any of the photos is to crop them to get a “zoom” effect. Otherwise, they are exactly as they turned out.
What we mean by “Working with the Venue’s camera restrictions for a concert” is simple. Every venue sets the types of cameras you can bring into a concert as a typical spectator. The limits are often things like “non-professional” or “no removable lenses”. Some venues even go so far as to say “no lenses over 3 inches in length”. The bottom line is that access to events with SLR cameras that provide good, high resolution shots is limited to larger media outlets. We are hoping to one day qualify as being a larger outlet, but only time will tell. Until then, Teddy will be using whatever cameras the bands and venues allow to bring us the best he can offer. We think the Muse shots turned out pretty good! What do you guys think?